HOW TO: Submit a Talbot's Adherence Adjustment Ticket
Important Notes
This ticket type should only be used for any time adjustments (current or past week) that affect adherence but do affect payroll hours, specifically for the Talbot's account.
Examples: Forgot to Clock In/Out, Technical Issues, Start / End Time or Break /Lunch Corrections, PTO inquires, etc.
This ticket type will also be reviewed by the Payroll department.
1. Fill in all required fields. In this case, the required fields are:
Client / Department: use the 3 letter code that matches the client you are requesting the change for. This should only be used for Talbot's.
Employee Focus ID: found in their Focus profile
Employee Name: you know this one
Adherence Type: select what activity the agent was engaging in that needs the adjustment
Adherence Start Date: the date the activity started
Adherence Start Time: the time the activity started (should be in hours and minutes. Example: 03:16 PM)
Adherence End Date: the date the activity ended (should match the start date, unless it was an activity that crossed over midnight into the next day)
Adherence End Time: the time the activity started (should be in hours and minutes. Example: 03:28 PM)
Description: should be used for providing any additional details.
Good examples of additional details
Technical Issues: {Agent name} had trouble logging in due to technical issues IT ticket number {insert ticket number}.
Overtime: {Agent’s Name} was approved for OT on {Insert date}. He worked additional time from {Insert OT start time} - {Insert OT end time}.
Overnight Overtime: {Agent’s Name} was approved for OT at {Insert OT start time} Agent was scheduled until {Insert scheduled shift end time} this would be for his/her overnight shift on {Insert overnight shift start date - Insert overnight shift end date}.
Bad examples of additional details
- "Alex Johnson's break time is wrong. Please fix."
2. If all necessary details are provided and the discrepancy seems reasonable, WFM will make the appropriate changes in Verint.