You may occasionally run into a situation where you need to conduct a speed test for your internet connection.
If you are experiencing the following symptoms, it might be a good idea to run one: lag inside of VMWare, choppy or dropped audio, frequent disconnects from your ContactUS desktop.
Before you begin, make sure that you are running this test outside of the ContactUS environment, either from a cell phone or from your device (directly connected using ethernet is recommended).
Follow the instructions below:
Navigate to a website like or and being the test.
Remember: The minimum speed for WAH with ContactUS is 50Mbps.
Below are some definitions to explain what you are seeing in the above:
Download speed – This refers to how many megabits of data per second it takes to download data from the internet. This is used for receiving images, listening to music, or streaming videos with Netflix, etc.
Upload speed – Determines the amount of data that can be sent from your computer or device to the internet. Upload speeds are used for sending messages, sharing, or uploading photos/videos and voice or video chats.
Ping/latency – You may see these used interchangeably. Ping is the signal that’s sent from one computer to another, but the latency is the time (in milliseconds) that it takes for the ping to return to your device. The higher the ping, the greater the possibility for drops in connectivity or lag.
The higher the latency number, the more issues you may experience.
If the issue persists, we typically recommend that you reboot your modem and router and conduct a new speed test. If the results show a speed less than what you should get from your ISP, please reach out to them for assistance. Once they resolve any issues on their end you can reach out to our support team for assistance.