HOW TO: Edit / Create an Employee's Schedule In Focus - Current
Important Notes
This workflow can be followed by supervisors and COMs. Supervisors and COMs should be making focus schedule edits for the current week if they need to. For longer term changes, please submit the request to WFM
1. Open Focus and Navigate to the Employee List section (left sidebar, or click here to find it).
2. Find the employee whose schedule you would like to edit, using the search bar on the top right hand side. Once you have found the employee, click on the calendar button within the Actions column (left hand side of their name, 2nd button)
3. By default, Focus will show the Current Week. If for whatever reason it is showing another week, simply click the Current Week button.
Adding a Shift (shift does not currently exist)
1. Find the day you'd like a shift for. In the Actions column, use the + button to Create a Shift.
2. Select the Client this shift will be for.
3. Select the Training Attribute that this schedule is for. If this is for Bosch Automotive, BoschPowerTools or CollegeBoard, be aware that you should pick from:
Bosch Automotive
Bosch PowerTools
Phone - Bosch OE
Phone - Tech Support
Phone - Bosch Dealer
Phone - Bosch Aftermarket
Phone - Educator
Phone - Bosch National
Phone - Bosch Tech Support
4. Fill in the remaining fields based on the shift start/end times, as well as the break and lunch times. It is possible to leave the Break and Lunch fields empty.
5. To apply the changes, click "Submit"
To Edit a Shift (already exists)
1. Find on the existing shift you'd like to edit and click the Adjust Shift (pencil icon).
2. Fill in the appropriate fields with the edits you'd like to make.
3. Hit Submit to apply the changes.
To Delete a Shift (already exists)
1. Find on the existing shift you'd like to edit and click the Delete Shift (trashcan icon).
2. Click Yes to remove shift.